Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blog Editor

I couldn't think of one topic to base this blog editor post on, so I'm going to use random information about myself, my family and the region of Alaska I grew up in.

Lana Carolyn & I

This photo is of my and my newest little cousin. She was born on December 21, 2008.

Living in Anchorage, I don't go home as often as I like and miss doing things with my family. Activities I miss out on are:

  • Spending time at fish camp
  • Cutting salmon for dry fish
  • Picking berries
  • Boating
  • Visiting the Fish River hot springs
  • Eating Eskimo food

I don't have a favorite web site, but I check this newspaper on a weekly basis The Nome Nugget covers the news in the Norton Sound region.

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