Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Reflection #1

Thus far, this class and the assignments have covered the basics in starting a web site. I like the materials and following along with the book has been helpful and understanding.

This class isn't my first introduction to building web sites, but its a much simpler approach (than building it with HTML code). But the advantage of knowing a bit of HTML has helped when I wasn't able to fix something in the WHSISYG in Dreamweaver.

As I posted in my last blog, the only difficulty I've run into so far is working with frames in the website instructed to build in the last assignment. It took me a few trials and errors to learn what exactly should be done in saving the frames and having the links open a page in the correct frame. Eventually, I figured it out.

I look forward to leaning more of the available tools in Dreamweaver and apply them to a web site. I want to be able to continue working on sites and updating them after this class. Continuing to do the work helps retain the information and keeps your skills sharp. In the month between the end of last semester and this semester, I lost some of the skills of building web sites in HTML. I had to pull my textbook out and refer to it for certain tags. Its slowly coming back :)

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