Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Honestly, thinking of my favorite web site would take some great thought. I do not do much exploring on the Internet. I get online and do what I need to do - check my UAA email and Blackboard, check my work email, check MySpace, occassionaly read the ADN or Nome Nugget online articles, and pay bills. For this assignment, I suppose I can say MySpace is my "favorite" web site because its a site I visit almost a dozen times a day.

Feel free to read my Introductory blog again.

Oh, and yesterday was my golden birthday :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blog Editor

I couldn't think of one topic to base this blog editor post on, so I'm going to use random information about myself, my family and the region of Alaska I grew up in.

Lana Carolyn & I

This photo is of my and my newest little cousin. She was born on December 21, 2008.

Living in Anchorage, I don't go home as often as I like and miss doing things with my family. Activities I miss out on are:

  • Spending time at fish camp
  • Cutting salmon for dry fish
  • Picking berries
  • Boating
  • Visiting the Fish River hot springs
  • Eating Eskimo food

I don't have a favorite web site, but I check this newspaper on a weekly basis The Nome Nugget covers the news in the Norton Sound region.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Reflection #1

Thus far, this class and the assignments have covered the basics in starting a web site. I like the materials and following along with the book has been helpful and understanding.

This class isn't my first introduction to building web sites, but its a much simpler approach (than building it with HTML code). But the advantage of knowing a bit of HTML has helped when I wasn't able to fix something in the WHSISYG in Dreamweaver.

As I posted in my last blog, the only difficulty I've run into so far is working with frames in the website instructed to build in the last assignment. It took me a few trials and errors to learn what exactly should be done in saving the frames and having the links open a page in the correct frame. Eventually, I figured it out.

I look forward to leaning more of the available tools in Dreamweaver and apply them to a web site. I want to be able to continue working on sites and updating them after this class. Continuing to do the work helps retain the information and keeps your skills sharp. In the month between the end of last semester and this semester, I lost some of the skills of building web sites in HTML. I had to pull my textbook out and refer to it for certain tags. Its slowly coming back :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Dreamweaver Thoughts

At first I wasn't sure what type of page to build. I decided on pictures of my travels because I have a lot of great pictures I can share.

The most difficult I had for this assignment was after I added a top and nested left frame. It look me a few trial and errors to figure out how to save each frame properly and to save the main index page. I'm hoping after all the time it took me to try to figure this out that I got it correct. Even after submitting the assignment, I'm still not very confident that I saved the frames properly. I tried looking in the book's index to find the topic on frames and saving, but it was an unsuccessful search.

I also had trouble trying to add the Title to my page. After a few checks in the browser, it still said Untitled Document. I had to open the file in Notebook to add the title I wanted in code. I'm glad I'm a little familiar with code, as that was an easy fix.

Reflection#1 - Publishing in Dreamweaver

Building web sites isn't a new thing to me. I worked with websites in High School (that was a few years ago) and I took an HTML class last semester, so this class is refreshing my mind on the things I learned in the past. I was signed up to take Dreamweaver this semester, but it was cancelled :(

1) In general, working with Dreamweaver is easy. After writing the code for websites, this WYSIWYG is nice. The most difficult thing I encountered was when I was setting up my site information in Dreamweaver. I was putting in the incorrect password. It took me a few tries to realize the 0 in my password wasn't a capital "O".

2) I like that we can add a file by simply clicking in the Files tab and create a new file in the site folder. Other than that, nothing has really surprised me (yet) in Dreamweaver.

3) As for the class, I wasn't sure what I was getting into when I joined it later in the semester. (Chris -Thanks for letting me join) I'm happy I chose this course. Its giving my an introduction to Dreamweaver and building sites. This will make the Dreamweaver class I need as part of my certificate go smoothly and easy next semester.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Introduction

My name is Yvonne Ashenfelter. I was born and raised in White Mountain (located on the Seward Peninsula). I graduated from Mt. Edgecumbe High School in 2003; and since then I've lived in Anchorage and have been attending UAA. I currently work for Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation (NSEDC). The company is one of six Community Development Quota groups in western Alaska. We provide economic development to our member communities fro with the money earned from Bering Sea fishing royalties.
I have an AA in General Studies (I am one of those students that couldn't decide what to pursue in college and changed my major a few times). I am currently working on a certificate in Office Digital Media. And that's why I'm taking this class - I think this class will familiarize myself more with design and web site development. Eventually, I'd like to use the things I learn in this class and the certificate to design my company's web site, newsletters, annual report, etc.
I enjoy traveling (just returned from a Hawaii vacation), taking pictures, the outdoors, spending time with family at our summer fish camp, picking berries, sewing, baking, my TV shows (Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Private Practice, Brothers and Sisters, and the list can go on), and anything that I have to use my creative mind to create.